technology of the study. At Herndon Smile Design, Dr. Amirreza Rafaat and Dr. Sanin Emelee use the Eccovision® Acoustic Diagnostic Imaging System to measure your oral and nasal airway. This pharyngometer can accurately map the size, structure and collapsibility of your airways.

This technology aids in the diagnosis of your personal level of sleep apnea. As a result, our dentists will be able to better treat your sleep apnea based on your individual results. This device is FDA-approved and is an effective way to identify and understand the way that the airway collapses in relation to snoring and sleep apnea.

Eccovision’s function is similar to the way a ship uses sonar. It projects sound waves across the airway and then reflects them in a way that the software can identify and analyze changes that occur in the airway.

Dr. Rafaat can complete this minimally invasive test in around five minutes or less at Herndon Smile Design. If you want to start getting results in your sleep apnea treatment, we recommend that you try the Eccovision Acoustic Diagnostic Imaging System in Herndon, Virginia. You can schedule your quick appointment by calling 703-464-0000.

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